How many times have you heard someone say “I oughta write a book?” Well, our Hiddenbrooke neighbor Fred Warren has published two! Fred and his wife, Nemi, moved to Hiddenbrooke in 2003 after his career in the construction industry that took him to Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Kuwait, Malaysia and Bulgaria. Fred once co-authored a technical paper on shotcrete used to reinforce tunnel bores, and he wrote several poems for his daughters and friends, but it was his frustration with science fiction movies that led him to write his first novel, “Journey III- Return to Earth.” It’s about visitors from outer space who are of an advanced civilization – seekers of knowledge of one of the universe’s rare jewel planets – Earth. Fred wrote it as a screenplay hoping it will become a movie. If you want to get him going, ask him what he REALLY thinks about the movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”

Fred’s other published novel, “The Miracle at Devil’s Slide,“ challenges the reality of acts of miracle by a common man. In his research, Fred found what he believes to be the only true documentation of a real-life, non-religious miracle. He mentions the miracle in the book and leverages it into a fictional tale that he wrote, imagining it as episodes of “The Fugitive” television series from the 1960s. Fred has been fascinated by the reviews and interpretations he has received from many who have read the book.
Fred self-published both his novels after frustrating encounters of the suspicious kind with people promising him spectacular publishing and movie deals if only he first made a huge upfront investment with them. Instead, Fred professionally printed an initial stock of copies and placed them for sale through Amazon at CLICK HERE for Journey III and CLICK HERE for The Miracle at Devil’s Slide. But there’s another way to buy both books and meet Fred in-person. Copperfield Books at 1300 First Street in Napa is hosting a book signing by Fred Warren on Saturday, November 18, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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