UPDATE on June 22, 2023: At the Hiddenbrooke HPOA annual meeting last night, the election results were: Bob 180, Laurie 176, Ed 132, Troy 123. As was mentioned numerous times at the meeting, share (and document) your HPOA suggestions and concerns through the official HPOA email address hpoaboard@protonmail.com to be heard and kept apprised of developments.
UPDATE on June 3, 2023: Over 25 people attended the Meet the Candidates Night at the 19th Hole Pub on June 1. Notes from the event discussion and follow-on comments from Laurie Foster and Ed Thomas are now online at https://neighborexchange.org/notes-june-1-2023/ A community-wide email from the Board on June 3 said “Ballot and ‘Candidates Statements’ were mailed from Texas with the Annual Notice.” What the email doesn’t say is that all the Candidate Statements are now available online at https://hiddenbrookeonline.org/board-candidate-statements/
At the Hiddenbrooke Property Owners Association (HPOA) Board Meeting on May 17, HPOA board candidate Ed Thomas (i.e. me) invited the 3 incumbent HPOA Board members who are running for reelection to join him/me at the Golf Club’s rechristened 19th Hole Pub on June 1, 2023 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm to give our neighbors a chance to Meet the Candidates. Everyone is invited to come meet the candidates, discuss the candidates’ statements, and support the Club by purchasing a canned beverage or pre-made snack. To be clear, this is not an official HPOA activity, but the Pub is expected to be open to the general public at that time, and all the candidates have said they plan to participate.
Hiddenbrooke property owners have until June 21, 2023 to vote to fill 3 open seats on the 5-member board. The other 2 board members have staggered terms that continue through May 2024. All 3 incumbent board members in open seats are running for reelection. Ballots with return instructions were mailed to all property owners on May 26, and in the envelope are statements from the 4 candidates. The top 3 vote-getters will earn the open seats. A simple majority of the votes cast is all that’s required by the organization’s by-laws and election rules which are available at https://hiddenbrookeonline.org/homeowners-assoc/ .
Completed ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on June 21 so they may be counted during the annual board meeting that evening with the election results announced at the end of the meeting. There will be inspectors for the ballot counting process which will be conducted by Jessica Guerrero, Community Association Manager with RealManage, the association management company.
At the May 17 board meeting it was shared that the association usually get about 100 ballots in a typical board election. Last year, no board election was conducted because there were just 2 candidate self-nominations for the 2 open seats. Please vote to show your support for the HPOA Board governance, and attend the Meet The Candidates event if you want to learn more about the candidates and current board issues.
For more information about the election, contact RealManage at HIDDENBR@ciramail.com or (866) 473-2573.
UPDATE on May 31, 2023: The candidate statements don’t appear to be available online, so we are offering to post the statements here for those candidates who want to make their statements available ahead of the June 1 event and for those neighbors who don’t have access to their postal mail:
UPDATE on June 2, 2023: All the candidate statements are now online at https://hiddenbrookeonline.org/board-candidate-statements/
Pati Iovanni
Thank you for publishing the candidate statements. It is important to have this information before Candidate’s Night on Thursday evening.
Wow. Thanks for the update.
Thank you for starting this group.
I’m a middle age mom with a family & I have lived here in Vallejo area all my life.
I would love to see Hiddenbrooke shine & grow as a community. We have great potential & I can see lots of interest groups forming.
I moved from Green Valley in 2020..& that community was all about family, fun & communities support.
You have my vote.